Alright so its been awhile since i have last posted. So i figured i had better update. Bj and i celebrated our one year wedding ann last month on the 19th. (Two years together total!) We really didnt do much. We ended up spending time with lots of people instead of just us two.. But we managed. Some time at the end of the month he will start his third job. Bartending for quality inn Banquets. He has been going out of town a lot the last few weeks for work. So getting use to that. I never use to like being home alone. But im getting better at it.
About a month or two ago I got a new tattoo of a frog. My friend sammie and i both got the same one on our ankles. It hurt so bad!
Still working at the Flying J. Not to bad. Still there and havent killed anyone yet! So thats a good sign ;). Kids are doing good. Socks has to be at least 15 lbs by now. Hermy is slowly coming out of her shell and playing more. Which is good. But it only seems to be when im trying to do something else that she wants attention. goofy girl.
Few weeks ago when bj was out of town i was in the shower and managed to fall and smack my leg on the edge of the tub and hurt it. There is still a knot there. At least the bruise has gone away! Yay for that. Havent really had much to blog about. Guess that is what happends when you have no life. Just go to work come home and do it all over again the next day.
On a somewhat good note. At the end of the month Bj and his dad are going down to KS to go see bj's youngest son andrew. And hopefully next month another visit and then maybe he can come and stay up here for a week. Although his mom told Bj see was kinda afraid if she did that bj may keep andrew here and bj told her he wouldnt just wanted to be able to see him too.. Hell he's paying child support for him.
Avon hasnt been going to bad for me. Been selling something every campaign so i cant complain really.
Guess thats about it for now. So maybe in a few more months i'll have some better news.. who knows.. We are planning on going to Rosebud for my birthday next month.. If that even gets to happen i'll be shocked! soooooo tootles for now. Gotta go fix supper. Hubby will be home soon.